Codex Gamicus

City of Heroes

Awards | Changelog | Cheats | Codes
Codex | Compatibility | Covers | Credits | DLC | Help
Localization | Manifest | Modding | Patches | Ratings
Reviews | Screenshots | Soundtrack
Videos | Walkthrough
GOG | In-Game | Origin | PlayStation Trophies | Retro
Steam | Xbox Live

Being an MMO, City of Heroes doesn't have 'cheat codes'. Instead, this page will be used to list the various commands available to the player. These commands are typed into the chat window, starting with a '/'. Parts of the command in "" are parts set by the user, do not use "" in the actual command. Some commands are more for use with /bind, when you set a key to perform some special function, some may not work with /bind at all. Some trial and error is recommended.

General Commands[ | ]

/afk "AFK message"
Marks the player as Away From Keyboard (with given message)

Toggle the secondary tray while a key is being pressed. (for keybinds)

Toggle the secondary tray

/auction "Message"
Send message to request channel

Start an automatic reply for client

/b "Message"
Send message to entire map (broadcast)

/beginchat "Message"
Starts chat-entry mode with given string

/bind "key" "command"
Binds a key to any command in this list - 'bind m map' will activate the Map with the 'm' key.

/broadcast "Message"
Send message to entire map

/bug "Message"
Report a bug. Enter a short description of any length.

/camdist "distance"
Sets the distance in feet that the third person camera pulls back behind the player

Adjusts the camera distance relative to the current camera distance. Reads mousewheel for input.

Camreset is bound to the PageDown key to reset the camera behind the player.

Toggles the chat window

Activate an context menu slot

/copychat_b "X"
Copy the last X lines from bottom chat window into the clipboard

/copychat_t "x"
Copy the last X lines from top chat window into the clipboard

/demote "member"
Demote supergroup member one rank

/e "Message"
Emotes a text string

/em "Message"
Emotes a text string

Delete message

Request email headers

Request message

Send message

/emote "Message"
Emotes a text string

/estrange "name"
Remove player from friend list

/f "Message"
Talk to friends

Display list of players looking for a team

Display friend list

/follow "x"
Set follow mode, 1 = follow selected target, 0 = stop following

/friend "name"
Add player to friend list

Display friend list

Sets video mode to fullscreen

/g "Message"
Send message to group channel

/goto_tray "x"
Go to specified tray number

/group "Message"
Send message to group channel

Forces the given window to be hidden. (Synonym: window_hide)

/i "name"
Invite player to join team

/ignore "name"
Ignore User

Displays a list of ignored users

/inspexec_name "name"
Activate an inspiration by name

/inspexec_slot "slot"
Activate an inspiration slot in the first row

Activate an inspiration slot in the given row and column

Activate an inspiration slot

/invite "name"
Invite player to join team

/k "name"
Kick player from team

/kick "name"
Kick player from team

Pop up the kiosk info for the nearest kiosk. (Assuming you're close enough.)

/l "Message"
Send message to your area (same as 'local')

Leave your current team up

/local "Message"
Send message to your area

Brings up interact menu

Add a macro to first empty slot

Add a macro to provided slot

Go to the enhancement management screen

Toggles the map window

Maximizes window

/me "Message"
Emotes a text string

Toggles the Menu

/namecaptain "name"
Renames the captain rank

/nameleader "name"
Renames the leader rank

/namemember "name"
Renames the leader rank

Toggles the navigation window

Go to next tray

Go to next secondary tray

/p "name", "Message"
Send a message to only one player

Pops up the named menu at the current mouse location

Cancels the auto-attack power and the queued power.

Executes the given power slot from the alternate tray.

Sets the auto-attack power to given named power (or blank to shut it off, or toggles if it's on already).

/powexec_name "name"
Executes a power with the given name.

/powexec_slot "slot"
Executes the given power slot from the current tray.

Executes a power in the given tray and slot.

Go to previous tray

Go to previous secondary tray

/private "name", "Message"
Send a message to only one player

/promote "name"
Promote supergroup member one rank

Pops up the quickchat menu

Quits game

/r "Message"
Reply to last received private message

/reply "Message"
Reply to last received private message

/req "Message"
Send message to request channel

/request "Message"
Send message to request channel

/s "Message"
Send message to your area

Sends the given text on the current chat channel.

Save a .jpg format screenshot

/screenshotui 1
Save a .jpg format screenshot with the UI (text windows).

/sell "Message"
Send message to request channel

/sg "Message"
Send message to super group channel

Receives a supergroup accept

Receives a supergroup decline

Start a supergroup

/sgi "name"
Invite player to join supergroup

/sginvite "name"
Invite player to join supergroup

/sgk "name"
Kick player from join supergroup

/sgkick "name"
Kick player from join supergroup

Leave your current supergroup

Sets supergroup costume parameters

/sgsetmotd "Message"
Sets supergroup 'Message of the Day'

/sgsetmotto "Message"
Sets supergroup motto

Display supergroup info in chat window

/showfps "x"
Show current frame rate, 1 turns on, 0 turns off

/sidekick "name"
Invite player to be your sidekick

Accept an invitation to be a sidekick

Decline an invitation to be a sidekick

/sk "name"
Invite player to be your sidekick

Starts chat-entry mode with slash

Starts chat-entry mode

Try to get player unstuck

/supergroup "Message"
Send message to super group channel

/t "name", "Message"
Send a message to only one player

Toggles the target window

/team "Message"
Send message to group channel

Receives a team accept

Receives a team decline

Select Team member

/tell "name", "Message"
Send a message to only one player

Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown. (Synonym: window_toggle)

Cycles through targetable enemies

Cycles through targetable enemies (in reverse)

Invite player to trade

Receives a trade accept

Receives a trade decline

Toggles the tray window

/unfriend "name"
Remove player from friend list

/unignore "name"
Unignore User

Unselects currently selected thing

No longer mentor (or be a sidekick)

No longer mentor (or be a sidekick)

/whisper "name", "Message"
Send a message to only one player

Print who is on current location map

Changes the window colors

Forces the given window to be hidden. (Synonym: hide)

Resets all window locations, sizes, and visibility to their defaults.

Forces the given window to be shown. (Synonym: show)

Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown. (Synonym: toggle)

Changes the window colors

/y "Message"
Send message to entire map

/yell "Message"
Send message to entire map

Emotes and Boombox Commands[ | ]




Stick arms ahead of you, face down

Cross arms behind you

Shout an attack order

Smash the air with a baseball bat

kneel and get smashed by the baseball bat

Play a random Boombox song

Play a specific song

Go Tarzan

A hearty laugh

Wave with one hand

Play a random song

Bow your head, may do an archery stance if a weapon is held

Another bow

A loud burp

Wave your hand

Throw your hands in the air

Do various cheering actions

A short clap

Flip a Paragon coin

Put arms in front of face and shake

Cross arms over chest

Throw up a hand and curse

Have a random type of seizure

Roll a die

Shake your head


Shake a fist


Indian rain dance

An evil laugh

A fancier bow

The evil laugh again

Explanation-related gestures

A fancy bow


Shine a flashlight around

Random muscle flexing stance

Specific flexing stances

Flip a Paragon coin


Wave hand

Fall to your knees

Talk to the hand

One of 2 surrendering positions


Hold a flaming torch


Do jumping jacks

Practice martial arts

Sit on your knees

Type on a laptop on a stand


Lecturing hand gestures

Sit down, will clip off legs if done on a flat surface

Sit cross-legged

Practice martial arts


An evil laugh

Read a newspaper

Shake your head

Nod your head

You just killed your wife

Wave your hand

Sit cross-legged, hold out a cup

For Paper/Scissors/Rock games

Act like you're using binoculars

Point ahead of you

Get on your knees and bow

Wave a sign

Raise your hand




For Paper/Scissors/Rock games

Roll a die


Throw a salute


For Paper/Scissors/Rock games

Hold up a score card

Shake your hand

Sit on your butt

Slap the air

Get slapped


Make a cutting gesture across your throat

Smack the air



Shout a stop command

Hands up

Talk to the hand

Beat chest and yell

Make an indistinct noise and threatening gestures



Do a 1-man wave


Give a thumbs up

Throw hands up

Evil laugh

Lean back with arms crossed or in pockets

Wave at someone

Cheer on a fight

Spread arms


Blow a whistle


Throw hands up

Make a gabbing motion with one hand


Sit cross-legged


External links[ | ]
