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Dark Ages

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This page contains information on classes and religion for the game Dark Ages

Religion[ | ]

Dark Ages was given two unique gifts amongst the "Legend of Darkness"-based games by David Kennerly. The first is religion. The game sports eight different Temples, each run entirely by a clergy made up of the players. In addition, five of the gods are meant to represent the dominant attribute of one of the five paths in the game.

Gods[ | ]

Deoch is the god of creation, and a God torn between Light and Dark. His history is, for the most part, shrouded in mystery. It's widely believed that Deoch was actually once a soldier, and was later found studying the Dark Arts, eventually to become Chadul's right-hand man. However, Deoch fell in love with Danaan while she worked on the Aisling. After Danaan sacrificed herself to stop Chadul, Deoch continued and finished Danaan's work on the Aisling. The Temuairian calendar is dated in his name for this. His allies are Sgrios and Glioca. His enemies are Luathas and Fiosachd. His Temple is in the town of Suomi.

Luathas is the God of Gnosis. He was originally of the Aosda society, but was made into a God by Danaan. His allies are Cail and Gramail. His enemies are Deoch and Ceannlaidir. His Temple is in the town of Rucesion. He is the patron god of Wizards.

Ceannlaidir is the God of War. He leapt out of the primordeal fire. His allies are Fiosachd and Sgrios. His enemies are Luathas and Glioca. His Temple is in the town of Piet. He is the patron god of Warriors.

Glioca is the Goddess of Compassion, and the daughter of Danaan. Her allies are Cail and Deoch. Her enemies are Ceannlaidir and Gramail. Her Temple is in the town of Mileth. She is the patron god of Priests.

Gramail is the God of Law. He was originally of the Aosda society, but was made into a God by Danaan. His allies are Fiosachd and Luathas. His enemies are Glioca and Sgrios. His Temple is in the city of Loures.

Sgrios is the God of Destruction. He marks Aislings that return from death with his scar, and is believed to be the god of death, and closely related to Chadul. Whether this is true remains a point of debate. His allies are Deoch and Ceannlaidir. His enemies are Gramail and Cail. His Temple is hidden in the Dubhaimid Castle.

Cail is the God of Harmony. He is the son of Glioca and Ceannlaidir. His allies are Luathas and Glioca. His enemies are Sgrios and Fiosachd. His Temple is in the town of Undine. He is the patron god of Monks.

Fiosachd is the God of Wealth and Luck. He was originally of the Aosda society, but was made into a God by Danaan. His allies are Ceannlaidir and Gramail. His enemies are Cail and Deoch. His Temple is in the town of Abel. He is the patron god of Rogues.

There are also the beings called the Other Gods, but they do not have Temples, and knowledge of them is entirely by the players. The two most well-known Other Gods are Danaan and Chadul, but others exist in player-written history and lore.

Clergy[ | ]

Each Temple has a clergy made entirely of players. Players may hold any of the following ranks:

Probate is the rank of initiated, unregistered players. It is also the rank of any Priest who has been the target of a heresy action. These people have the ability to pray when in the Temple of their God.

Worshipper is the rank of initiated, registered players. These people have the ability to pray in the Temple of their God or when elsewhere, by use of their Prayer Necklace. They may also be sent on religious geasea by any Priest or higher of their Temple.

Acolyte is the rank of Clergy-Helper. These people must be appointed by a person of rank Priest or higher. They have all the abilities of a Worshipper, as well as the ability to summon creatures of their God. They may also receive Holy Symbols of their God from a Cleric or higher. If a Priest or a Wizard, they may also receive a Holy or Magus staff of their God. Acolytes also have the ability to remove an enemy God's blessing from an item. Acolytes are also the only people who may begin a heresy action, which removes a Priest or higher from power.

Priest is the lowest rank of the actual Clergy, and is obtainable only by members of the Priest class. To become a Priest, you must have been an Acolyte for two double-moons (two weeks). Priests have the ability to initiate new worshippers, banish people from the Temple, and consecrate items (adding their God's touch to the item). They may also invite unregistered people into the Temple. Priests have the ability to hold a Mass, which gives all present worshippers of the Trinity 50,000 experience. Priests can also destroy items if they are touched by an enemy God, or may simply remove the enemy God's touch. Priests are also able to send Worshippers or higher on Geasea.

Cleric is obtainable only by those who have won a rank of "Clave" or above in any contest. They must have initiated at least 40 people in order to obtain Cleric alone, or 20 people if assisted by a Minister or higher. Clerics have all the abilities of a Priest, and may also create Holy Symbols, Holy Staves of their God, and Magus Staves of their God.

Minister is obtainable only by those who have won a rank of "Village" or above in any contest. They must have initiated at least 40 people in order to obtain Minister alone, or 80 people if assisted by a High Priest. Ministers have all the abilities of a Cleric.

High Priest is obtainable also by those who have won a rank of "Village" or above in any contest. They must have initiated at least 160 people into their Temple. High Priests have all the abilities of a Minister, and may also excommunicate members. This act will cause the High Priest to lose ten initiations, lose all of his faith, and will forcibly remove any member of the Fellowship from the Fellowship.

Negative Status Effects[ | ]

There are six status that will help the caster weaken his/her enemies. They all could be cured by waiting for the status to run out, but most of them have quick remedies.

Poison/Puinsein[ | ]

The creature/Aisling affected by this status will lose a certain amount of HP per second(depending on the type of poison cast upon the target and the total HP of the target, as poison is now percentage based). This status can be cured quickly with the spell Ao Puinsein or a Personnica Deum potion made by a herbalist.

Blind/Dall[ | ]

The creature/Aisling affected by this status will lose its sight. When an Aisling is affected, he/she sees everything as black, although they could still use 'Tab' to sense monsters/allies/obstacles. Certain creatures who are blinded will either stop moving, casting spells and attacking(or a combination of all three). Some will stop moving but attack at a slower rate if an Aisling is adjacent to the creature. Also, there are some creatures who are not affected by the blind status.

Pramh/Sleep[ | ]

When a creature/Aisling is afflicted with this status, they cannot move, attack, nor cast spells. To 'cure' this status, the victim will have to be damaged. The attack that 'cures' this status does twice the damage it normally would.

Beag Suain[ | ]

The creature/Aisling affected by this spell cannot move. Creatures can not attack while affected by this status. They could still use spells, though. To cure this status, you must use the spell 'Ao Beag Suain'.

Suain[ | ]

The creature/Aisling affected by this status is completely immobolized. They can not move, attack nor cast spells.It can only be cured with 'Ao Suain'.

Curses/Cradhs[ | ]

When afflicted with these status, your attack abilities are not hindered, however your defences are. These status only affect Armor Class and Magic Resistance despite their gruesome 'Skull' animation.

Beag Cradh[ | ]

Minor Curse. Can be cured with Ao Beag Cradh +20 AC, lasts 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

Cradh[ | ]

Moderate Curse. Can be cured by Ao Cradh +35 AC, -10 MR, lasts 3 minutes.

Mor Cradh[ | ]

Stronger Curse. Can be cured by Ao Mor Cradh +50 AC. -20 MR, lasts 3 minutes 30 seconds.

Ard Cradh[ | ]

Strongest Curse. Can be cured by Ao Ard Cradh +65 AC, -30 MR, lasts four minutes

Attribute Stats[ | ]

These are the things that determines your character's ability to fight.

Health Points (HP)[ | ]

This determines how healthy you are. When attacked, this 'stat' will decrease according to the AC stat and your element. Once 'this hits 0, if you are ungrouped, you get sent to Sgrios and all your perishable items that you have equipped will be destroyed. Non-perishable items you have equipped will drop to the ground as a death pile. If you are grouped on the other hand, and your HP hits 0, you will have a skull on the top of your head. It is up to your fellow group member to use a Red Potion (beothaich deum) on you to revive you. If they do not apply it in time, you will face the same fate as if you were ungrouped when you die. This 'stat' regenerates over time; 10%+1% for every CON above your level, up to a maximum of 20%. The length of time between regenerations is determined by your path. Monks regenerate the quickest (once every 8seconds), and Wizards and Priests regenerate the slowest (once every 25seconds).

Mana Points (MP/Will)[ | ]

This 'stat' will allow you to use Spells. When you use a spell, this 'stat' is depleted. Every spell has a MP requirement. Once your MP hits 0, you cannot cast any more spells. Also, you cannot cast any spell that has a higher MP requirement than your current MP. This 'stat' also regenerates over time. (10%+1% for every WIS above your level/25 seconds)

Main Attributes[ | ]

The skills rely on these stats to be available to learn.

Strength (Str)[ | ]

This stat will determine how hard you hit and how much weight you can carry.

Intelligence (Int)[ | ]

This stat determines how hard your spells will hit.

Wisdom (Wis)[ | ]

This stat determines how much your MP regenerates and how much MP you gain per level. It also affect you'r healing strength.

Constitution (Con)[ | ]

This stat determines how much your HP regenerates and how much HP you gain per level, Also affects damage on monk class kicks.

Dexterity (Dex)[ | ]

This stat determines how accurately you hit and how much your enemies miss when they attack you.

Other Stats[ | ]

These stats are not shown in the status window. They only affect your combat ability. They cannot be used to learn skills.

Armor Class (AC)[ | ]

This determines how much damage you take; the less AC you have, the less damage you receive when you get attacked. Clothes and items generally decreases your AC. When you have 0 AC you take 100% of the damage. 1 AC equals one 1% of damage; so you will take 200% of all damage at AC 100 and supposely 0% at -100AC.

HIT[ | ]

This will increase the successfulness for your Assails.

Damage (Dmg)[ | ]

This will make your Assails hit harder. Approximately 4% for every 6 DAM.

Magic Resistance (MR)[ | ]

This determines the success rate of an enemies' spell casted on to an aisling. Equipment that rewards an aisling with Magic Resistance comes in multiples 10%s (Example: 10%, 20%, 30%, etc.). The more Magic Resistance an aisling has, the less successful an enemies' spell will be. There is a maximum of 70% Magic Resistance an aisling can have. Though, it is useful to have 'collateral Magic Resistance' in the event that a spell such as Ard Cradh is successfully casted on an aisling, reducing that aisling's Magic Resistance percentage (if an aisling has 100% Magic Resistance worth of equipment, only 70% Magic Resistance will be available for use, but if Ard Cradh is successfully casted on the aisling then the Magic Resistance percentage is reduce to 40%, but since there is 30% extra Magic Resistance from the remaining items the aisling retains the maximum of 70% Magic Resistance).

Classes[ | ]

General information[ | ]

There are five classes, in addition to one, Peasant, which is not really a class in its own right, but rather a precursor to the main five. There exists an interesting form of 'subpathing', also. Once a character reaches level 99, assuming they aren't a Peasant, they have a choice to make. There is the option of 'subbing' (subpathing), whereby they will change to a different class and return to level 1, having to rise in levels again but retaining the skills and spells of their previous class, typically making them more powerful. Alternatively there is the option of 'going pure', staying the same path at level 99. Once level 99, a character subbed or pure may become a Master, giving them access to new equipment, skills and spells, areas, etc. A pure character will receive more benefits after Mastering than a subbed character, which is the desired incentive for a character to sacrifice extra skills and spells by 'going pure'.

Monk[ | ]

Monks are intended by the game to be users of both melee combat and magic. They are designed as users of martial arts, using punches and kicks, typically in combination. Due to the game's arguably bad design, Monk's magic rarely extends past novelty or a small convenience, while they typically are nowhere near as strong as Warriors. Therefore the jack of all trades seemingly has no great advantage. Monks have a choice of one of four 'animal forms' to learn, with which they may learn unique skills and spells. Again, due to bad design, one of these is completely pointless, and one a mere novelty. Also for the Monks is the Dugon system, where Monks must defeat certain monsters and teach students (Hubae) in exchange for color-coded headbands and skills. Although the Hubae quota has been greatly reduced over time, the Hubae system remains corrupt. Demand for Hubae outweighs supply, and there is therefore a trade in creating new Monks to sell to older ones. Animal forms and Dugons seem to have been failed attempts at creating a roleplaying atmosphere for this class. Monks shine, however, within the subpath system. Two of the most popular subs come from Monk (Monk to Rogue and Monk to Warrior), while the Warrior to Monk has strength comparable with the greatest path combinations. While the Pure Monk used to be one of the weakest classes, they are finally beginning to shine. At ab10 they are given a combination scroll allowing them to insert 3 skills, thus, dealing out some of the highest combo damage in the game.

Priest[ | ]

Priests are the 'buffers' and 'debuffers' of the game. They are responsible for keeping their hunting group alive and well, while weakening enemies, all with their vast collection of spells. This path seems to have been balanced relatively well, though the 'healer' seems to be a stock character of RPG games anyway. Priests are also the only players able to rise high in the ranks of the religious system. The Priest to Wizard subpath is popular, and rising in popularity is Priest to Rogue. Arguably the best and most popular type of Priest is the Wizard to Priest, although Pure Priests can in fact compare.

Rogue[ | ]

Another class fairly ambiguous in its role, the Rogue is, like the monk, designed to be a 'jack of all trades' - in fact, a Rogue's role in hunting varies from level to level. Rogues have the ability to lay traps on the ground, with which they may hunt by themselves up until level 50-60, when group hunting becomes more efficient for them. Then, their role is to immobilize groups of enemies using blinding traps, and to tell enemies' elemental properties to maximize the damage which the fighters can do to them. Once Archers, their role is to kill enemies using an attack spell, Star Arrow. Pure Rogues, like Pure Monks, are very weak in comparison to subpaths. However, the Monk to Rogue option remains popular, and to a lesser extent the Rogue to Priest or Wizard. The latter are usually created for their ability to leech.

 Since recent updates, particularly with the release of Lost Ruins, Archers (and especially Pure Archers) have become a decent class. The power of Star Arrow, the light-based attack skill, has significantly increased - relative to the player's ability level. In fact, the damage output of Star Arrow eventually surpasses that of the prestigious light spell, Deo Searg/ Deo Searg Gar. This opens up great hunting opportunities in places such as Chaos. Also, Archers have received Frost Arrow and Shock Arrow, which are circumstantially helpful - Frost Arrow hinders a creatures speed (attack/movement), depended on the version of the spell (Frost Arrow 1: Slows a monsters attack and movement speed by a factor of 2 for 3 seconds). Shock Arrow deals damage based on 1% of the target's current hit points - helpful for luring targets (always hits) or on bosses. At ability 20, archers can learn a skill called Rear Strike, which is a massive attack skill targeting 6 spaces; 5 in front, and 1 on the tile the player is standing on. However, like Assassin Strike (though weaker),  for Rear Strike to do any considerable damage is depended on modifying spells (Ard Cradh, Fas). This allows archers to be an especially lethal force in Medenia hunting places.

The comparison of Pure Rogue to other sub-classes is very debatable. Pure Rogues can now obtain an item trinket called Glowing Stone at ability 20, allowing the Pure Rogue to have temporary invincibility (Dion) for 8 seconds. This is equal to a Monk's Dion, although the trinket is more costly in terms of Magic Power. Also, Pure Archers receive a trinket to Hide the entire group for 8 minutes (Vanishing Elixhir); this is equivalent to Fiosachd Hide, but is much more convenient as the trinket is quick, reliable, and does not require faith. Previous to these updates, Pure Archers have received Life Arrow, Volley, and Set Volley - in theory these spells sound exciting, but in practise they are nearly useless and absurd. Before the Lost Ruins update (Hide and Dion Trinket), Pure Rogues were not very different than they were as described in the former paragraph. The potential of archers is continually growing. Basically, Archers are quite lethal characters at high abilities (Star Arrow, Rear Strike, Frost Arrow, etc.).

Warrior[ | ]

Another 'stock character', the Warrior's role is simple - to take a lot of damage, and give a lot of damage back. Their role, no matter what level, remains constant - to keep bashing monsters until they die. There is fairly little else to say about Warriors, but nonetheless they are valued highly by hunting groups. The Monk to Warrior is usually the strongest possible path, while Warrior to Monk is also powerful. Pure Warriors however are arguably the best Pure class, as they receive a truly vast array of unique skills.

Wizard[ | ]

The Wizard is designed to be an offensive user of magic. In practice, this is rarely the case. Wizards can use their magic to kill creatures in hunting until the 20s or 30s. Then, their main role involves the use of a unique spell which amplifies elemental properties of friends and foe. With the right elements in play, they can make friends much tougher and foes much weaker. It is a shame that until they are very highly experienced, their role does not extent much farther than repeatedly casting one spell on everything they see. With high amounts of mana, limited offensive spellcasting is useful in some hunting areas, however ironically Pure Priests are typically stronger in this respect. Pure Wizards are not hugely attractive, but at least receive an invincibility spell to compare with those of many other path combinations. Pure Summoners may be attractive for financial gain; they have a spell which transfers mana to others, which they can sell as a service to those using mana to quickly improve their spells. Wizards are based on Sorcerers from the MMORPG Tibia

Class Rededication[ | ]

When a player reaches insight 99, they can choose to rededicate or 'sub', as it is often called. This means that the player will become of a different class, and go back to insight 1. However, they will keep any skills and spells they learned when they were of their previous class, so certain combinations of classes can be very powerful as they possess the skills and spells of two classes. High-end 'subs' include 'Wiests' (Wizards turned Priests) and 'Morriors' (Monks turned Warriors). It is more effort to get to insight 99, go back to 1, then get to 99 again, but the results are often worth it. A Master or any character that has not subbed is called a Pure, or Pure Path. e.g. a Pure Warrior. Pure Paths do have some advantages however, aside from taking less time to make. Their Grand Master equipment is better than that of a Sub's Grand Master equipment. Pure Paths also gain at least one extra Master skill or spell. Pure Warriors gain many unique extra skills.

Master[ | ]

At insight 99, and after meeting certain requirements, a player can achieve the rank of Master. This is not a change in class, but a change in title. If a Pure becomes a Master, they no longer have the option to rededicate. Masters gain new and powerful equipment, armor, skills and spells. They also have the ability to do new quests, including the four Grand Master quests, which each give the player even greater equipment and armor upon completion, and must all be completed in order to move up to a Medenia class.

Medenia Classes[ | ]

A Medenia class player can learn new skills and spell and use new equipment. For a player to upgrade from their current class to its respective Medenia class, they must be a Master with all four of the Grand Master quests completed, also known as a Grand Master. They must also sacrifice quite a lot of experience, HP and MP, and their Master and Grand Master equipment. Medenia classes can gain Ability Experience in order to reach new Ability Levels, although it must be said that these levels require far, far more hunting to reach than their respective insight levels. Similarly to insight levels, new AB levels allow the player to equip new items and gain new skills and spells. Ability Experience can only be gained from hunting in Medenian hunting areas, with the exception of Eingren Manor, and the Loures Canals which are not in Medenia. The Medenia classes are:

Gladiator[ | ]

The upgrade of Warrior. Gladiators lose the large axes and sabres, and sport various large weapons known as Blades. Pure-path Gladiators learn the spell Aegis Sphere, which lasts for 40 minutes and increases your armor (-17 AC) for the duration of the spell.

Druid[ | ]

The upgrade of Monk. While Druids have no specific weapon, they can gain some very powerful attacks. They also have the unique ability to turn into a large upright-standing animal at will. Like monks, they learn an animal form. Unlike monks, they cannot change this form to another one, and there are only three of them.

Feral Form[ | ]

The most popular form, Feral Druids are granted the ability to change into a wolf. They are the most popular because they learn two very powerful attacks straight away. Feral Form is the best form in Arena as they can use combination skills at once which deal huge damage to others.

  • Feral - 6% bonus damage, 1000 hp bonus
  • Wild Feral - 12% bonus damage, 2000 hp bonus
  • Fierce Feral - 18% bonus damage, 3000 hp bonus
  • Master Feral - 24% bonus damage, 4000 hp bonus (coming soon)
Karura Form[ | ]

Karura Druids transform into a bird; the Karura Eagle. The first form is a deep red colour, the second form "Wild Karura Form", obtainable at Ability level 10, makes the Karura a golden brown colour and the third form "Fierce Karura Form", obtainable at Ability level 20, makes the Karura an ash black colour.

The Karura's physical attacks are less damaging than that of Feral, however a Karura Druid can use a 0 cast-line area-hitting wind elemental attack called "Hail of Feathers" as well as a blinding attack that lasts for approximately 14 seconds. By Ability level 10, the Karura can also get a powerful attack that transports the Druid behind the enemy in-front of them (up to two spaces) and hits them in the back. With good use of these three attacks on the field, the Karura Druid can be very tactical; moreso than the other two forms.

Komodas Form[ | ]

The least popular, Komodas lets the Druid turn into a lizard. They are given a skill that works like the skill 'Throw', pushing the enemy back. This can be useful when in trouble and needed to use their other spell which is a self-heal. The Komoda is a balanced class as they are not the top melee damage nor top ranged damage, however, are not the bottom of these either.

Bard[ | ]

The upgrade of Priest. Bards lose the holy staves and replace them with Harps. The playing of these harps can do some damage, but the main attraction of becoming a Bard is the curse spell which they learn, which is useful in the arena.

Summoner[ | ]

The upgrade of Wizard. Summoners replace their magic staves with floating orbs called Spheres, and they can learn powerful elemental spells called Summons, which work slightly differently from conventional Wizard spells.

Archer[ | ]

The upgrade of Rogue. Archers use Bows (or sometimes Rogue weapons). They are able to do some damage by firing shots at enemies, though this technique is not very powerful (at least at low ability levels). The main attractions for those becoming Archers is their Light elemental spell Star Arrow - which becomes significantly powerful throughout ability levels. Also, Archers obtain nifty spells such as Frost Arrow and Shock Arrow. Pure Archers in addition receive Life Arrow and Volley. At Ability 20, Archers obtain the massive attack skill Rear Strike. Generally at higher ability statuses, Archers become relatively powerful.
