Codex Gamicus

KatGames Sports

Awards | Changelog | Cheats | Codes
Codex | Compatibility | Covers | Credits | DLC | Help
Localization | Manifest | Modding | Patches | Ratings
Reviews | Screenshots | Soundtrack
Videos | Walkthrough
GOG | In-Game | Origin | PlayStation Trophies | Retro
Steam | Xbox Live

eGames[ | ]

Original Game Concept/Design[ | ]

Greg Zesinger

Vice President, Development[ | ]

Lars Batista

Senior Production Manager[ | ]

David Mercer

Producer[ | ]

Kevin Bonner

Lead Designer[ | ]

Kim Branson

Vice President, Sales & Marketing[ | ]

Richard Siporin

Sales & Marketing Manager[ | ]

Cindy Yeagle

Product Manager[ | ]

Greg Zesinger

Testing and Customer Service Specialist[ | ]

Nicholas Sciarra

Web Producer[ | ]

Ryan McKeown

Art Designer[ | ]

Igor Sidorenko

Art Direction[ | ]

Kane Minkus

Music and Sound Design[ | ]

Sara Kellenberger

Special Thanks to[ | ]
  • Susan Boudreau (Associate Counsel)
  • Kristin Simko (Contract Coordinator)
  • Jerry Klein
  • Thomas W. Murphy
  • Art Rountree
  • Ilana Zdorovyak
  • Gene Mauro
  • Tom Parente
  • Ellen Pulver Flatt

KatGames[ | ]

Game Design & Project Manager[ | ]

Miguel Angel Tartaj

Art Director:[ | ]

Pablo Vietto

Lead Programmer[ | ]

David González

Programming:[ | ]

Miguel Ángel Liñán

Additional Contributions:[ | ]
  • Juan Aínsa
  • Matthew Lee