Codex Gamicus

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Klingon Honor Guard is a first-person shooter set in the universe of Star Trek during the time of The Next Generation. The game was developed by MicroProse in 1998, using the Unreal game engine.[1]

Gameplay[ | ]

As a fresh member of the elite 'Klingon Honor Guard', the player is tasked with foiling a plot to assassinate Chancellor Gowron. During the course of the game, the player will encounter a wide variety of mission environments, including planet surfaces, caverns, enemy ships, and space stations. Enemies include rival Klingons (including members of the House of Duras), Andorians, attack droids, Nausicaans, Lethians, and various hostile creatures.[2]

Weaponry[ | ]

  • D'k Tahg - the traditional Klingon dagger.
  • Bat'Leth - the Klingon sword.
  • Disruptor Pistol - the standard issue sidearm for the Klingon warrior.
  • Disruptor Rifle
  • Bach'Hich Assault Disruptor - a more powerful disruptor rifle.
  • Ding-Pach Spin Claw - fires a spinning disc that slices and rebounds off surfaces.
  • Grenade Launcher
  • Trilithium Rocket Launcher - fires a self-propelled projectile explosive.
  • Sith Har Blaster - an pistol-sized sidearm.
  • Particle Dispersal Cannon - disrupts matter in various ways.[2]

Trivia[ | ]

  • Many of the briefings feature voice-over work by Tony Todd, the actor who portrayed Worf's brother Kurn on various Star Trek series. He portrays Kurn, captain of the IKS Hegh'tar, in those briefings.
  • The game shipped on two CD-ROMS. One CD-ROM contains the soundtrack and in-game movies, while the other is for installation and includes a long background video about the Klingon Honor Guards and Klingon culture.
  • Prior to the release of the game, the "Sith Har Blaster" weapon was turned into a freely downloadable addon for Unreal. Meant as a sort of teaser, the release gave gamers a taste of what the game would offer.[3]
  • This is the only Star Trek game ever to receive an "M" ESRB rating.

Minimum & Recommended Specifications[ | ]

Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Minimum/Recommended Specifications
Minimum Specifications Recommended Specifications
Operating System Windows 95
CPU Intel-logo Pentium MMM 166 MHz
Display 640 × 480 Truecolor
Graphics Graphics 3dfx, PowerVR or Direct3D accelerator[2]
Optical Drive 4X CD-ROM

References[ | ]

  1. Star Trek: The Next Generation - Klingon Honor Guard,, accessed April 30, 2007.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Klingon Honor Guard game manual, Microprose, 1998.
  3. Unreal Downloads: Sith Har Blaster, Gamespot, accessed May 1, 2007.

External Links[ | ]
