Codex Gamicus

The One-Stop Fun Shops are three Humongous Entertainment games published in 2000 for Pajama Sam, Putt-Putt, and Freddi Fish. The main colors on the paint palette are red, yellow, blue, white, and black.

Putt-Putt[ | ]

The green disc is featured with Putt-O-Matic (which includes the car, but not the dog Pep), Stories for Putt-Putt and Pep the dog with five pages, and even paint. This also includes the car's voice on the game. Pep is also displayed.

Pajama Sam[ | ]

The red disc is featured with Sam-O-Matic (which includes the human), Stories for Pajama Sam with five pages, and even paint. This also includes the human's voice in the game.

Freddi Fish[ | ]

The blue disc is featured with Freddi-O-Matic (which includes the yellow fish) and Luther-O-Matic (which includes the green fish), Stories for the Fish Duet (Freddi and Luther) with five pages, and even paint. This also includes the yellow and green fish's voice in the game.

Main Colors[ | ]

The main colors on the paint palette in the three games are red, yellow, blue, white, and black. You can mix them with an eyedropper.
