Codex Gamicus

The Chaos Engine

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This walkthrough is © THE Bitmap Brothers
The Bitmap Brothers Logo & name is a trade mark of The Bitmap Brothers

World One[ | ]

World 1 Level 1 - The Beginning[ | ]

As the name suggests, this level provides a gentle introduction to the game.

Shoot the first node that you come across to reveal the set of Silver Keys at 1.

Collect these keys to open a gap in the trees immediately to the east.

Collect the Gold Keys 1 to open the small, secret room immediately beneath you.

World 1 Level 2 - Mud Rivers[ | ]

Shoot the first node that you come across to reveal the set of Silver Keys at 1.

Collect these keys to create a bridge across the mud immediately beneath you.

If you collect the Gold Keys at 1, a pair of bridges will appear allowing access to the small island with Gold Keys 2 on it. Note that the monster that patrols these keys can be shot from the safety of the main island. If you collect this set of keys, Gold Keys 3 will appear, these in turn will create a bridge immediately to the east of them, allowing you to enter the hidden area.

Pick up Silver Keys 2 to reveal the bridge to the west and allow access to the rest of the level.

You are then faced with a choice by the narrow bridge which leads out to Gold Keys 4. If you venture down here and collect the keys, you must then retrace your steps and head north, having elected to take the top route up the narrow isthmus, surrounded by small islands. This is more the hazardous of the two choices. If, however, you ignore Gold Keys 4 and continue around them to the south and east, by the time you have shot the node, the keys will have disappeared and you will have to take the bottom route to the final island.

The only way to the exit the level is to shoot the last node which is down a pit at the end. This node may be activated by throwing an appropriate special weapon into the pit (like the Bomb) or collecting Gold Keys 5 which will complete the set of steps and thus allow the node to be shot.

World 1 Level 3 - Rings[ | ]

After coming down the steps from the start position you are immediately presented with a choice of routes. You may either continue due east in relative safety past the trees, or head south to follow a parallel route past the rock face. The latter route leads you past Gold Keys 1. These create a set of steps at point 3 which allow access to the top of the western side of the central ring.

As you approach the stick of dynamite at point 2 you will be surrounded by beetles, collect the dynamite to kill them all off and to reveal a circle of gold rings.

Gold Keys 3, on the western side of the central ring, open a set of steps which lead up to the eastern half.

If you shoot the rock-pillar with a face on it, it will blow up, and thus allow you to collect Silver Keys 1, which open the central ring.

Once through the ring, Gold Keys 4 will shut down the monster generator which they are directly outside and save you bother of having to shoot all the Lizardmen.

To get out of the next section you must collect Silver Keys 3. These open the room which contained Silver Keys 2 but by the time you get there, the latter have disappeared. There is no way to get this set of keys. If, however, you shoot the node in this room, Silver Keys 4 will appear in the ring of stones outside the door. This set of keys will open the way forward. They also reveal Gold Keys 5.

Gold Keys 5 open access to the secret area immediately to their west. Go all the way to the bottom of this area and collect Gold Keys 6.

To leave the next section you must obtain Silver Keys 5. To do this, simply collect the gold ring which is to their north and west. This will cause them to disappear from the top of the wall and reappear within reach.

To reach exit A, you must first activate the node at point 6. This will reveal a coin, slightly behind you, to the east. Collect this coin and another will appear, again slightly to the east. After following this chain of coins, you will discover that the way to Silver Keys 6 is open; these create a set of steps up to the ledge and the exits.

World 1 Level 4 - The Rockies[ | ]

There are two start points to this level (A & B), which is used depends on which exit you took from the previous level.

Collect Silver Keys 2 to remove the rock pillar which blocks access to the main section at point 1.

Collect Silver Keys 3 which reveals Silver Keys 4. The latter set of keys create the stairs at point 3 which allow access up to the central column. If you stand on the very top of this column you can shoot the node on the rock pillar to the east and this causes Silver Keys 5 to appear. These keys create at set of steps at point 4.

As you continue along the rock ledge a number of beetles will attack you, collect the Bomb to shut down their generators.

When you pick up Silver Keys 6 another set of keys will appear just to the north. As you collect these, another set will appear and so on until you are led to the final set, Silver Keys 7, which create a set up steps immediately to their north.

The node at the bottom of the pit can be activated by firing an appropriate special weapon deep into the pit. If, however, you do not have such a weapon, you can collect the node activation token at point 5. This will, as expected, attack the node but will also create a large number of Thumpers all of which will fire at that point. Having activated this final node, you may now progress down, round the corner to the east towards the exit.

Just before the final section, the way is blocked by two large rocks. You may shoot and destroy either of them but not both (unless you are very quick). There is a Gold Key (number 4) under the one to the east which reveals a set of steps down to the secret room to the south, immediately below you.

World Two[ | ]

World 2 Level 1 - Maze[ | ]

There are a large number of hidden bonuses within the maze : -

Collect Gold Keys 1 to create a set of steps at point 1. These give you access to Gold Keys 2 which will reveal lots of silver coins surrounding you.

If you walk down the corridor at point 2, a weapon power-up will be revealed.

There are three metal pillars at point 5. Only one can be shot, so you can get either a First Aid Kit, a weapon Power-Up or an Extra Life looking left to right. It is possible to get more than one by hitting the pillars at exactly the same moment. In fact, it is possible to get all three with right weaponry.

There are two sets of gold keys at point 6. The set on the left reveals a lot of treasure and food whereas the set on the right produces a lot of nasty monsters. You can only get one set, so get it right first time.

If you enter the room to the west of the maze by any of the three entrances you will be sealed in. At this point the pillar in the centre of the room will start to change. If you shoot it whilst it is completely smooth it will blow up to reveal Silver Keys 1. These keys will release you from the room.

The maze has three exits : -

Silver Keys 2 will open access to the centre of the maze. This will allow you to shoot the node at the centre and exit over the walls up the middle.

Silver Keys 3 open the western exit of the maze at ground level.

Silver Keys 4 open the eastern exit of the maze at ground level.

If you have exited the maze, by the central route over the walls, you can collect Silver Keys 5 which allow you to exit that area.

All three routes converge at point 7. If you then move to the east, when you reach the exit you will be able to explore the area to the west along the narrow wall tops. This will give you some Special Power and a Power-Up. If, however, you move to the west you will get the food which lies on the eastern walls near the exit.

World 2 Level 2 - Traps[ | ]

When you appear in this level you have a choice of two sets of silver keys to collect. Silver Keys 1 open the door to the east, whereas Silver Keys 2 open the door to the west. It is not possible to get both sets of keys.

The western route takes you into a sealed room where you must shoot the metal pillar at point 1. This opens a gap in the wall in the western side of the room. However, if the pillar is shot again, it will change to another shape and open the door to the room to the south, which contains Silver Keys 4. These keys open access to the central rings of the level and allow you to switch to the eastern route. If you continue along the western route, you must then collect Silver Keys 5. These keys release the Beast which is guarding Silver Keys 6. When you finally kill this Beast and pick up Silver Keys 6 you will be allowed to exit this area and activate the node at the end of this route. If this is the first node you have activated on this level, a crater will appear behind you and you will have no choice but to step into its middle and be teleported. If this is the second node you have activated, door A will open.

Where you are sent to by the teleporting crater depends on whether you activated the node in the centre of the Maze in the previous level. If you did, you will be sent back to the original start point of this level; if you did not however, you will be sent to the beginning of the eastern route.

The eastern route from the start begins in the large room filled with Dust Devils. If you collect Silver Keys 3 you will have access to the central rings of the level and may thus switch to the western route. If you continue along eastern route you will eventually arrive at point 2, where you will be sealed into the room until you have killed all the Guards which attack you. You are then allowed out to the end of the route and may activate the node. Similarly, if this is the first node you have activated, a crater will appear, if however it is the second node you will be allowed out of door B. If you are forced to go into the crater, you will either be sent back the original start point or to the beginning of the western route depending on whether you activated the node in the centre of the Maze.

If you are sent back the original start point of the level by either of the teleporting craters, Silver Keys 7 will have appeared and these will reveal the set of steps up onto the central walls of the level. You can then activate the final node and leave the level via exit C.

World 2 Level 3 - Steam[ | ]

This level has three start points (A, B & C), which is used depends on which exit you took from the previous level, Traps.

If you begin at start B, you must collect the gold rings, shoot the Firemen and activate the nodes to form a complete circle of marks around point 1. When you have complete the circle, a crater will appear at point 1 which will teleport you to start A.

If you begin at start C you must shoot all the nodes along the corridor to open the pipe grating at point 2. If you enter the pipe you will then be teleported to start A.

From start A you must collect Silver Keys 1 which complete the parallel set of steps and allow you to continue into the level.

When you leave the area of the steam jets note that the pipe carrying the steam blows up and all the steam jets stop. This gives a vital clue as to how to leave the next area. The steam jet at point 3 must be extinguished before you can progress. Simply shoot the feed pipe directly to the north to turn it off.

To reveal Silver Keys 2, you must activate the node which is round the corner to the west. This will generate a number of monsters including a Sewer Monster which runs off back the way you came. You must catch up with him and kill him to reveal the keys.

World 2 Level 4 - Quarters[ | ]

This level has three start points (A, B & C), which is used depends on which exit you took from the previous level, Steam. The level, as the name suggests, is divided into 4 quarters. Each quarter has an entrance-way and an exit-way.

If you begin at Start A, you cannot adventure through the entrance-way of the south-western quarter which means that you miss an extra-life token. A metal pillar will be placed in the doorway of the secret room at point 1 which means that you also miss out on all the treasure within the room.

If you begin at Start B you cannot adventure through the entrance-way of the south-eastern quarter.

If you begin at Start C you may explore the whole level.

Silver Keys 1 open the North Eastern quarter so that you may activate the node and proceed.

Gold Keys 1 destroy the Steam Jet so that you may pass safely through the entrance to the north-western quarter.

World Three[ | ]

World 3 Level 1 - The Pits[ | ]

As you enter the level you are presented with a choice of 5 keys. All of the keys marked as Silver Keys 2 create a bridge across the chasm. As soon as the bridge appears, a Hand monster materialises on the bridge and runs to the attack. The bridge will disappear after short while but if you can manage to get across it before it does so, you will have access to the secret area at point 2. If you fail to get across any of these bridges you can collect Silver Keys 1 which will create a permanent bridge across the centre of the chasm. These keys make all of the sets of Silver Keys 2 disappear and thus you will not be allowed get into the secret area at point 2, however you will be allowed to pass through point 1.

All of the StoneWatchers on the wall at point 3 can be shot. You will be rewarded with a coin for each one that you destroy.

The statue at point 4 is facing a different direction to all the other statues around it. If shoot it you will be rewarded with lots of treasure but you'll have to kill of a few Spiders first.

The statue at point 5 is also facing a different direction to it neighbours. You have to shoot this statue so that you will be allowed out of the area.

The routes from both areas converge in the room by point 6. When you collect the Players Saved token at the top the stairs into this room, the wall at point 6 will be removed and you can thus progress deeper into the level.

The route forward is then blocked by the door at point 7. You must shoot the node in the room to the east to remove this door, you are then through to the maze of pits at the end section of the level.

To get the centre of the maze, you must solve the puzzle in the eastern area first. Collect Gold Keys 1. Then collect Gold Keys 2. The latter set must be approached from the southern walkway. If you attempt to collect them from the east, they will disappear before you can get to them and you will have failed to solve the puzzle. When you have got both of these sets of keys you be able to reach point 8. After you have collected the treasure on the small island at this point you will be teleported to point 9 in the centre of the pits.

If you fail to solve the puzzle or if you wish to go a different route through the pits you may collect either Gold Keys 3 or Gold Keys 4 but not both sets. Each of these keys lead to a different route, each of which contains a different mix of monsters and treasure.

World 3 Level 2 - Confusion[ | ]

As you enter the level you are presented with a choice of four corridors. You will be sent along a different route depending on which way you choose to go :-

Corridor 1 leads out into the western room to the north of the start point.

Corridor 2 loops back to the start point.

Corridor 3 leads out into the eastern room to the north of the start point.

Corridor 4 loops back to the start point.

If you take both corridor 2 and 4, when you finally arrive back at the start point, Silver Keys 1 will have appeared. When you collect these, one of the tiles on the floor next to you disappears as a small section of the floor rises up. If you step onto this section you will be teleported to eastern room to the north of the start corridors. At this point you are back on the main route into the level. However in the next room, the statue at point 5 will be disappearing and reappearing. If you walk into the wall behind the statue you will be teleported back to the start point once more, however this time the wall next to the position of Silver Keys 1 will have opened and you will be able to access the secret area which leads to exit B.

Within this secret area, if you collect both set of Gold Keys 1 and 2, a clue will appear as to how to solve the puzzle floor within the next room. To solve this area you must follow the sequence of shapes on the floor : circle, square, plain. If you get it wrong you will be teleported back to the start of the floor. The more mistakes you make the less treasure you will find when you get to the end.

After you have shot the node in the next room, three set of steps will appear, each of which leads to a different set of silver keys. Each of these sets of keys produces a different bridge to the next area. Each one also removes some of the treasure within that area. Silver keys 4 will give you the most when you cross the bridge, as you will only have to collect one set of keys; although you might try the others to see what you can get.

If you do not get into this area you must follow the main route through the level from the start point towards to exit A. If you pass via the western room to the north of the start corridors only the node in that room exists and only Silver Keys 6 are in the room to the north. If however you enter the eastern room only the node in that room exits and only Silver Keys 5 are available.

Silver Keys 5 open the door to the east out of this room.

Silver Keys 6 open the door to the west. If you go this way you must then collect Silver Keys 7 which open the exit from that section.

The island just to the south of point 7 has lots of treasure on it. If, however, you just try to walk on to it, you will be teleported back to the start of the pathway and all the treasure will disappear. To be able to progress you must follow the lines on the floor and shoot the statue at point 6 and then collect the Silver Keys 8. If you collect Silver Keys 8 before you have been to point 7 you will be able to get onto the island and get all the treasure.

Once across the island collect Gold Keys 3. These will open the door at point 8. If you walk into the room via this point, some treasure will appear. This will only happen if you enter the room from the north.

Once you have collected the telephone at point 9, the bridge to the south of you will disappear, thereby trapping you into the room. You must then shoot the Lobber that has appeared across the chasm to open the door to the north and allow you to proceed towards exit A.

World 3 Level 3 - Reverse[ | ]

The first thing to notice about this level is that it is made up from two virtually identical halves. This idea is reinforced by the numbering system used to identify the items of interest on the map, which are the same for each side. Which start point you use, and hence which side of the map you play, is dictated by which exit you went through on the previous level. Each side contains very similar puzzles but which tend to operate in opposite ways from each other. The decoration on the walls is subtly different between the two sides, with statues facing opposite directions etc.

If you begin at Start A, you play the western side of the map. All the numbers below refer to items on that side of the map.

You cannot get to Silver Keys 1, as an invisible force field surrounds them. To get them you must shoot the plinths around them. Start with the south-west one, then the north-west and so on clockwise till you have destroyed all four. At this point the patterns on the floor will disappear as the force field is dropped and you will be allowed to collect the keys, which open the door from this room.

When you activate the node at the bottom of this section, Silver Keys 2 will appear, which when collected create the steps immediately to their west and thus you can continue into the level.

Both Silver Keys 3 and Silver Keys 5 create Silver Keys 4 which complete the western set of steps and allow you to get down from this plinth and further into the level. However if you collect Silver Keys 5, as you set off down these steps you will be teleported to the same place on the opposite side of the map. An easy way to notice that this switch has occurred is that on the western side the floor is decorated with circular patterns, whereas on the eastern side square patterns are used. You must then continue to adventure up the middle channel of this section until you reach point 2 where you will be teleported back to your original position in the western half. When you reach point 2 on this side you will just pass through unaffected.

Silver Keys 6 open the door to the room containing Silver Keys 7 on the opposite side of the corridor.

Similarly Silver Keys 7 open the door to the room containing Silver Keys 8.

Silver Keys 8 open the door at the end of the corridor which allows you to get to the exit.

It makes no difference which route through this set of keys you take.

If you begin at Start B, you play the eastern side of the map. All the numbers below refer to items on that side of the map.

When you collect Silver Keys 1 you will be trapped inside an invisible force field. To get out you must shoot the MissingLink which has begun to patrol around the outside of the plinths. When this monster is destroyed you will be released and the door out of this room will be opened.

When you collect Silver Keys 2 at the bottom of this section, the node marked on the map at this point will appear. Activating this node will create the steps immediately to the west and thus you can continue into the level.

When you collect Silver Keys 4, both Silver Keys 3 (left) and Silver Keys 5 (right) appear. If you now collect Silver Keys 3, Silver Keys 5 will disappear. However if you collect Silver Keys 5 first, you will be able to collect both sets of keys; in which case when you set off down the set of steps which have appeared you will be teleported to the same place on the opposite side of the map. An easy way to notice that this switch has occurred is that on the western side the floor is decorated with circular patterns, whereas on the eastern side square patterns are used. It is here that the first major difference between the two sides occurs. From your position on top this plinth it is possible to throw an appropriate special weapon onto the node that it is on floor level just to south and east of you. This means that you are thus able to activate all of the nodes on the level and can thus open exit B. After this you must continue to adventure up the middle channel of this section until you reach point 2 where you will be teleported back to your original position in the eastern half, and may continue as if you had not been teleported. When you reach point 2 on this side you will just pass through unaffected.

Silver Keys 6 open the door to the room containing Silver Keys 7 on the opposite side of the corridor.

Similarly Silver Keys 7 open the door to the room containing Silver Keys 8.

Silver Keys 8 open the door at the end of the corridor which allows you to get to exit A.

To exit B you must collect right hand one of the pair of Silver Keys 6 and the left hand of Silver Keys 7. Note that this exit will only be open if you have activated all of the nodes within the level, as described above.

If one player, in a two player game, gets trapped in one of the small rooms in this section, all they have to do is to collect the keys that are in the room with them and then move towards the exit. They will be teleported into the next room in sequence.

Note that the major exit from each side of this level, both of which are marked as A on the map, will take you to the same place in the next world, whereas exit B will take you somewhere special.

World 3 Level 4 - Way Out[ | ]

There are two start points to this level (A & B), which is used depends on which exit you took from the previous level.

If you begin at start B you must first collect Silver Keys 2 and then Silver Keys 3. Neither of these sets of keys are visible until you begin to walk towards them. After you have picked up the latter set an exit will appear which teleports you to start A.

The statue at point 1 will disappear a short while after you materialise at Start A; if you manage to shoot it before this happens, the steps which lead up to gold keys 1 will appear.

Gold Keys 1 open the door to the small room at point 4 which contains a small amount of treasure.

The small mound at point 2 is somewhat strange. Monsters and the computer controlled character can walk over it. If you walk over it, it will dissolve and the set of steps at point 5 will appear, thus allowing into the area beneath to collect the treasure.

The telephone at point 3 causes the steps to the north of it to switch round, blocking access to the area you have just come from and opening up the way forward into the rest of the level.

The steps at point 5 will only be there if you have dissolved the mound at point 2 as described above. If you go this way you must collect Silver Keys 1 to get out of this bonus section. If however the steps at point 5 are not there, the set to their east, as marked on the map, will be, so you'll have to go down those.

The door into the small room which contains Gold Keys 2 can be shot. Collect these keys to create the steps up to the ledge at point 6.

Monsters generate in the small rooms to the north of point 7. The doors to each of these rooms will open to let the monsters out. When you have shot all the monsters the doors to each of the rooms will stay open for a short while. If you can get into the room and collect the keys, the door to the room directly to the south will open allowing you to pick up the treasure it contains. The Silver Keys in these rooms make sure that the doors stay open so that you cannot get trapped.

The alcove at point 8 has a misplaced shadow. If you walk into the wall at this point you will be teleported into the secret area in the south-eastern corner of the map. Once in this area you must adventure through to point 9, where stepping into the circle marked on the floor will teleport you back to point 8.

In amongst the pillars below this point, you should notice that the centre one does not have a StoneWatcher on it. If you shoot this pillar on the top it will explode to reveal Gold Keys 3. These keys will open the door to the small room at point (1)0, which contains some treasure.

World Four[ | ]

World 4 Level 1 - Sewers[ | ]

The first large room you come across in this level has lots of Revolving Domes bouncing backwards and forwards across the room. These are invincible and thus cannot be shot; if you do shoot them you will just push them about and its not a good idea to shove them all to one end of the room, so its best just to avoid them. Collecting Gold Keys 1 and Gold Keys 2 will reduce the number of Domes in the room.

At point 1 you can either carry on up the narrow corridor to the north or shoot the lever on the wall. As the lever drops, the water will drain out of the pit beneath you, you can then get up to the room on the ledge above which contains Gold Keys 3. When you collect these keys the narrow corridor will be blocked and you will be able to cross to the room marked as point 2. This room contains nothing but a open manhole which if you walk into will teleport you to point 3.

As you approach the sewer pipes at point 4, monsters begin to generate in the eastern most of the two pits to the south of the corridor and start moving into the room below. Water flows from the pipe outlet, filling the pit to the west. To progress, you must shoot at the cracked pipe at point 4, which will blow up and allow water to flow into the eastern pit thereby cutting the supply to the pipe outlet. This will simultaneously drain the water from the west pit allowing you to carry on into the level and fill the east pit, drowning the monster generator. The sooner you do this, the less monsters you will have to fight when you enter the room to the south.

If, however, you choose to follow the corridor to the north, at point 1, you must activate both nodes at the top of the map and then carry on down the corridor at point 5, which is full of Revolving Domes. These are, again, invincible but in this case you cannot simply dodge them as they move too quickly. You can push them down the corridor by firing at them and if you can get to point 5 you will be able to collect a shield token and thus progress safely.

In the next room, the way forward is blocked by a pulsating force field at point 6. You must shoot the node in the north-eastern corner of the room so that the force field will drop and you can continue.

The route to the exit is blocked by a water-filled pit at point 8. You must shoot the wheel at point 7 so that it turns twice, thereby cutting the water supply and draining the pit.

World 4 Level 2 - Pump Room[ | ]

There are two start points to this level (A & B), which is used depends on which exit you took from the previous level.

If you begin at Start B, you must collect Silver Keys 1 to exit from the first room. You then adventure along the corridor, to find an extra life at the eastern end. This route then rejoins the main one at point 8.

If you begin at Start A, you must shoot the first node you come across, on the small island just outside the start room. When this node is activated, Gold Keys 1 will appear. If you go back into the start room and collect these keys, the manhole cover at point 1 will be removed, revealing the shaft below. If you step onto this opening you will be teleported into the secret area to the north, which you must leave by walking into the large pipe at point 2.

You must shoot the lever at point 3 in order to progress. This lever starts in the horizontal position; if you shoot while it is like this it will drop the western pipe will close, stopping the water flow and draining the pit at point 4. If, however, you spend too long in the room, shooting monsters and the like, the lever will flip up. If you shoot it at this stage the lever will drop, but this time the eastern pipe will close and the water will drain out of the pit at point 5.

If you can cross the pit at point 4 this leads into the short cut area next to Start B, however this time there will be no extra-life token at the end of the corridor.

The pit at point 5 gives access to the main route onwards into the level.

When you reach point 7, the way forward is blocked by the water filled pit to the south. You must shoot and destroy all of the pipe outlets which feed the pool at point 6, in order to drain the water out the pit and allow you to continue. Start by shooting the one on the left, then the middle one and finally the right-hand one.

Once in the pit below point 7, you have a choice of routes. If you take the western ramp out of the pit you will enter a large room which contains some treasure. You must then collect Silver Keys 2 to exit this room and rejoin the main route.

In the next large room, at point 9, there are three switches on the wall. You must shoot the middle one, which is up, in order to flip it down. This flips the left-hand switch up. When you shoot this one, a set of step appears, immediately to the west and the right-hand switch flips up. You must flip this final switch to drain the final water filled pit and allow you to enter the final pump-room itself. However you must activate the two nodes on the ledge above the switches before you can open the final exit, so go up the steps and clear out this area before leaving the room.

The node marked at point (1)0 on the map, is only present if you began the level at Start B.

You must collect Silver Keys 3 to open the door at point (1)0 and allow you to get to the exit.

World 4 Level 3 - The Hall of Machines[ | ]

This level is, basically, a long corridor leading to the single exit at the north. You are stopped from progressing along the corridor by pairs of activated nodes which project a barrier between them. These barriers are lethal and will kill any character who walks into them; you have been warned!

You must enter each room, before each barrier and solve the puzzle in that room to shut down the next set of nodes and open their barrier.

Room 1 contains a circle of small pits. You must collect the Gold Keys in the centre of the circle to start a number of small rocks appearing in the pits around you. You must then shoot any of the rocks until you destroy one. As soon as one blows up all the pits will disappear and the puzzle is solved.

At this point you should note that the light on the north wall of the room has stopped flashing and that a number 1 has appeared. This a clue for later. As a bonus, if you shoot this digit, it changes into a 4, which is another clue to a later puzzle in room 3.

Room 2 contains a spinning wheel. As it passes a contact on its frame it sparks. To solve this puzzle you must simply shoot the wheel, at which point it stops spinning. If however, you manage to stop it at exactly the point when the contacts are touching, the wall to the east of the wheel will crack. If you walk into this section of wall if will disappear and you will have opened a shortcut to room 4.

Room 3 contains a number of monster generators which produce extremely tough Half-tracks. You must destroy all these and blow up the generators before you can activate the puzzle. At this point a set of numbers will appear on the north wall. It is here that you use the clues you obtained in room 1. Shoot 1 to deactivate the nodes and open the barrier. If you have been given the extra clue in room 1 you may now shoot 4 to open a short cut into room 5.

Room 4 contains a number of small dials, all of which have cracked except one. There is a small button next to this active dial. You must fire at this button to move the needle within the dial. When you have killed all the monsters that are generated to protect the dial and moved the needle within, one complete revolution, this dial will crack as well and the puzzle will be solved.

Room 5 contains three animating pistons. When you enter the room vicious Half-tracks are generated to protect the pistons. As you kill off these guardians, the pistons stop animating and, finally, when all of them have stopped the puzzle has been solved and you may continue to the final section of the level.

The final section of The Hall of Machines provides you with an overview of what do in the next level. The map of this section is representation of the map of the last level of the game.

You must first activate all the nodes in the four small rooms that surround the Generator at point 6.

When the node counter drops to 0 you are informed that the exit is open but on inspection you will find that the door is still shut. However a power cable joins the Generator to this door and if you shoot the base of the Generator it will blow up, the cable will dissolve and the door will open.

World 4 Level 4 - Time for Chaos[ | ]

The last level.

The Chaos Engine is in the centre of the level and is protected by a force field, generated by four activated nodes. Before you can attack the Engine you must disable this force field.

Although the node counter says that there are four nodes to activate in this level, there are no normal nodes; instead there are four electrical Generators, like the one at the end of the previous level. The position of these Generators are marked as nodes on the map.

You must destroy each of these Generators, by shooting them in the base, in order to cut the power supply to the level and shut down the force field.

The control room at point 1 monitors your progress, as each Generator powers its own set of pistons as marked on the north wall of this room. When you shut down a Generator, its set of pistons will cease to move, its dial will be destroyed and the force field surrounding the Engine will be weakened. You are also rewarded with a Players Saved token, which is placed in Room 1, for every one that you shut down. You may come back to this room at any time to bring a character back to life or just to check how you are doing.

When you have succeeded in destroying all four generators, you will be informed that the exit is open, the force field surrounding The Chaos Engine will disappear and a pulsing ring will appear at point 2. You must step into this ring so that you are teleported to the final conflict with the Chaos Engine.

The Engine itself has two stages. At first it has a protective shell around it and you must hurt it sufficiently so that part of this shell dissolves away. Whilst it is in this phase it cannot use the full force of it weaponry; however once its innards are exposed it will do everything it can to protect itself. All you have to do is destroy it to win the game and rid the land of Chaos.

Simple innit?
